Gymnastic Strength
Handstand/ Handstand Pushups practice
AMRAP 20 mins
2-4-6-8-10-12 etc
HSPUs (SC pushups)
Single arm DB hang clean and jerk
Goblet DB Lunges
100m run after each round
RX Age 17-44 (22.5/15KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (17.5/12.5KG)
RX Age 8-13 (12.5/7.5KG)
Gymnastic Strength
Handstand/ Handstand Pushups practice
AMRAP 20 mins
2-4-6-8-10-12 etc
HSPUs (SC pushups)
Single arm DB hang clean and jerk
Goblet DB lunges
100m run after each round
RX Age 17-44 (22.5/15KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (17.5/12.5KG)
RX Age 8-13 (12.5/7.5KG)