Weightlifting Strength
Squat cleans
15 mins to build to a heavy single for the day
not more than 90% of 1rm
Every 3 mins for 6 rounds
50 Double unders
6 Squat cleans
Round 1 and 2: 50%
Round 3 and 4: 60% Round 5 and 6: 70%
Based on your recent 1RM
Weightlifting Strength
Sumo deadlifts
4 Sets 4 Reps
every 2 mins
as heavy as form allows
Every 3 mins for 6 rounds
50 Double unders
6 Front squats
Round 1 and 2: 50%
Round 3 and 4: 60% Round 5 and 6: 70%
Based on your recent 1RM