210909Osama KamaluddinSep 8, 20211 min readMetcon In team of 2:24 Min AMRAP48 Double Unders24 DB push jerk24 Box jump over12 Bar muscle ups (24 Toes to bar)RX Age 17-44 (22.5/15KG)RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (17.5/12.5KG)RX Age 8-13 (12.5/7.5KG)
Metcon In team of 2:24 Min AMRAP48 Double Unders24 DB push jerk24 Box jump over12 Bar muscle ups (24 Toes to bar)RX Age 17-44 (22.5/15KG)RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (17.5/12.5KG)RX Age 8-13 (12.5/7.5KG)
220429 Friday🚜On the 3:00 x 10 Rounds: 1,000 Meter Bike Erg Max Distance Farmer's Carry 22.5 / 15 kg's
220423Weightlifting Strength Front Squats build up to a heavy set of 5 3 sets 3 reps @ same weight Metcon 6 min amrap 4 thrusters 4 pullups 3...
220422 Friday 🏖EMOM FOR 30 MIN A) 10 DB Squat Cleans B) 10 KB Swings C) 10 DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull D) 15 KB Swings E) 10 DB Push Press F) 20 KB...
Solo -Scaled 6 rounds 29 reps of: 24 double unders 12 db push jerk @ 25# each 12 box step ups 12 sit ups ☠ Ain't comeback a bitch??
Scaled- 4 rounds
Efficient METCON AMRAP i felt my belly was burning from the inside 4 Rounds within the time cap 💪🏽 Remarks: Progessing forward 👌🏽
5 rounds Scaled box muscle ups - 12.5Kg
5 rounds Scaled 17.5 KG dumbbells Hanging leg raises