FOR TIME: 12 Movements
Movement 1 Movement 2,
Movement 1 Movement 3, Movement 2, Movement 1 Movement 4, Movement 3, Movement 2,
Movement 1 etc. until you get to movement 12.
1 Wall Walk
2 Hand Release Push-ups
3 DB Snatches
4 DB Overhead Squat
5 Box Jump to Burpee
6 DB Front Squats
7 Mountain Climbers
8 Sit & Press
9 KB Goblet Squat to Press
10 Heavy KB Swings
11 Lateral Squat Jumps
12 DB Man Makers
Modify Wall Walk with Plank Push-up or Incline Push-up
Modify Box Jumps with Step-ups
Modify Mountain Climbers from an incline Modify Sit & Press with Regular Sit-up or Reverse Crunches
Modify Lateral Squat Jumps with Skaters
Modify Man Makers from an Incline