Weightlifting Strength
Deadlifts %of 1 rep max:
8 reps @55%
4 reps @75%
8 reps @60%
4 reps @80%
1-2 mins rest between sets
For time
3 rounds
250/200m row
5/3 bar muscle ups
2 mins break
3 rounds
50 Double unders
15 toes to bar
Weightlifting Strength
Deadlifts %of 1 rep max:
8 reps @55%
4 reps @75%
8 reps @60%
4 reps @80%
1-2 mins rest between sets
For time
3 rounds
250/200m row
5/3 bar muscle ups
2 mins break
3 rounds
50 Double unders
15 toes to bar