تمرين ذو جهد عالي حتى اجهاد العضلة
Super sets
Db bench press 12 - 12-10-10
DB floor fly 10-10-10-10
Barbell rows 12- 12- 10-10
Incline DB rows 10-10-10-10
Barbell shoulder press 10-10-10-10
DB around the world 10-10-10-10
Brbell biceps curl
12 - 12 - 10-10
DB skull crusher
15-15- 12 - 12
تمرين ذو جهد عالي حتى اجهاد العضلة
Super sets
Db bench press 12 - 12-10-10
DB floor fly 10-10-10-10
Barbell rows 12- 12- 10-10
Incline DB rows 10-10-10-10
Barbell shoulder press 10-10-10-10
DB around the world 10-10-10-10
Brbell biceps curl
12 - 12 - 10-10
DB skull crusher
15-15- 12 - 12