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Writer's pictureOsama Kamaluddin

220215 Tuesday بادي بلدنق

تمرين ذو جهد عالي حتى اجهاد العضلة

Super sets

Db bench press 12 - 12-10-10

DB floor fly 10-10-10-10

Barbell rows 12- 12- 10-10

Incline DB rows 10-10-10-10

Barbell shoulder press 10-10-10-10

DB around the world 10-10-10-10

Brbell biceps curl

12 - 12 - 10-10

DB skull crusher

15-15- 12 - 12

تمرين ذو جهد عالي حتى اجهاد العضلة

Super sets

Db bench press 12 - 12-10-10

DB floor fly 10-10-10-10

Barbell rows 12- 12- 10-10

Incline DB rows 10-10-10-10

Barbell shoulder press 10-10-10-10

DB around the world 10-10-10-10

Brbell biceps curl

12 - 12 - 10-10

DB skull crusher

15-15- 12 - 12

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