Weightlifting Strength
Bear complex
1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 push press + 1 back squat + btn push press
build to max
9 min emom
min 1: 3 bear complex
min 2: 6 burpees over the bar
min 3: 9 toes to bar
3 mins rest
6 min amrap
3 bear complex
6 burpees over the bar
9 toes to bar
RX Age 17-44 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 8-13 (35/25KG)
Weightlifting Strength
FS PP complex
2 front squat + 2 push press
build to max
9 min emom
min 1: 3 complex
min 2: 6 burpees over the bar
min 3: 9 toes to bar
3 mins rest
6 min amrap
3 complex
6 burpees over the bar
9 toes to bar
RX Age 17-44 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 8-13 (35/25KG)
2 rounds 3 reps for AMRAP 30kg V ups