Weightlifting Strength
Deficit deadlifts
Build to a technical 3 (reset and go)
5 sets 1 rep at the same weight without deficit
3 Rounds for time
500m row
12 Deadlifts @ body weight
21 Box jumps

Weightlifting Strength
Deficit deadlifts
Build to a technical 3 (reset and go)
5 sets 1 rep at the same weight without deficit
3 Rounds for time
500m row
12 Deadlifts @ body weight
21 Box jumps
Strength: 90kg Metcon: Reached the 3rd round but did not complete the 21 jump overs within the time cap @ 60KG
Strength : 160kg Metcon : 14:42 @ 95 kg
150 kg 14:38 @90kg
Deadlift: 130 kg Metcon Rx 14 mins 50 seconds