Weightlifting Strength
Squat Clean
Find a technical heavy single for the day
5 min EMOM 1 squat clean at 70-80%
For time (18 min cap)
20 Burpees over the bar
40 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over the bar
40 Cleans
20 Burpees over the bar
40 Shoulders to overhead
Pick a weight that will allow you to perform each exercise in no more than 4 sets
RX Age 17-44 (60/42.5KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 8-13 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 17-44 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 8-13 (35/25KG)
Shoulders to overhead
RX Age 17-44 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (35/25KG)
RX Age 8-13 (30/20KG)
Weightlifting Strength
Front Squat
Find a technical heavy 2 rep for the day
5 min EMOM 2 front squats at 70-80%
For time (18 min cap)
20 Burpees over the bar
40 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over the bar
40 KB swings
20 Burpees over the bar
40 Shoulders to overhead
Pick a weight that will allow you to perform each exercise in no more than 4 sets
RX Age 17-44 (60/42.5KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 8-13 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 17-44 (24/16KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (24/16KG)
RX Age 8-13 (16/12KG)
Shoulders to overhead
RX Age 17-44 (42.5/30KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (35/25KG)
RX Age 8-13 (30/20KG)
It was a very effective excercise, however I am still considered to be a new a joiner going to complet my second month, the other half of the excercises were scaled. Remaraks: Progressing forward 😎
Weightlifting: Squat clean 1RM (65 KG) Metcon: scaled (time cap 16:12) Deadlifts 50 kg Hanging cleans 40kg Shoulder to overhead 30 kg مأجورين
140 KG 175 Reps (only 5 reps remaining)
105 KG 13:35 scaled to half reps, rx weights