Weightlifting Strength
Front Squat
Find today's heavy 3 rep
Drop to 80% and do
Every 45 sec for 10 sets
2 Reps (1 and a half*) optional
Front squat @50% of today's 3rep
in between each set:
200m run
10 box jump overs
Weightlifting Strength
Front Squat
Find today's heavy 3 rep
Drop to 80% and do
Every 45 sec for 10 sets
2 Reps (1 and a half*) optional
Front squat @50% of today's 3rep
in between each set:
200m run
10 box jump overs
Weightlifting Strength Max @ 55 KG Metcon Finished within 12 Mins 36 Sec Remarks: Max was 50 KG last time increased to 55 today.
FS 3 RM 110kg 80% EMOM 87.5kg WOD 8:15min
Strength 75 KG Metcon 10:07
Front squat MAX 3 Rep 100KG 80% = 80KG Metcon 50% = 50KG Finished within time