Weightlifting Strength
Hang Clean
Build to a technical 1 Rep
For time: (12 min cap)
100 DUs
10 Hang squat clean
80 DUs
8 Hang squat clean
60 DUs
6 Hang squat clean
40 DUs
4 Hang squat clean
20 DUs
2 Hang squat clean
RX Age 17-44 (60/42.5KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 8-13 (42.5/30KG)
Team Challenge 2/6
Weightlifting Strength
Hang Clean
Build to a technical 1 Rep
For time in teams of 2: (12 min cap)
100 DUs
20 Hang squat clean
80 DUs
16 Hang squat clean
60 DUs
12 Hang squat clean
40 DUs
8 Hang squat clean
20 DUs
4 Hang squat clean
RX Age 17-44 (60/42.5KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 8-13 (42.5/30KG)
Scaled Age 17-44 (52.5/35KG)
Scaled Age 14-16 and 45-60 (42.5/30KG)
Scaled Age 8-13 (35/25KG)
Score is total weight for part A and total repetitions for part B performed by both partners.
Deadline to post the score is midnight.
Score posting format:
Team Challenge
RX or SC
Partner A heaviest lift
Partner B heaviest lift
time of the metcon or total reps completed
Weightlifting Strength
Front Squats
Build to a technical 1 Rep
For time: (12 min cap)
100 DUs
10 Front squats
80 DUs
8 Front squats
60 DUs
6 Front squats
40 DUs
4 Front squats
20 DUs
2 Front squats
RX Age 17-44 (60/42.5KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 8-13 (42.5/30KG)
Hang clean 70KG 1 Rep Max Metcon (finished on time) - single Hang squat clean scaled 55KG
32.kg Metcon-12min 240 Jumping Jacks 24 Hang Squat Clean
Osama 112.5 KG Hameed 90 KG 309 reps RX
Team n3aim Max: 60kg Sc, Time: 11:30
Weightlifting Strength Hang Clean Build to a technical 1 Rep --> 50 KG Max Metcon For time: (12 min cap) 100 DUs --> Done 10 Hang squat clean --> Done 80 DUs --> Done 8 Hang squat clean --> Done 60 DUs --> Done 6 Hang squat clean --> Done 40 DUs --> Done 4 Hang squat clean --> Done 20 DUs --> Time up 2 Hang squat clean --> Time up Remarks: Max weight increased from 40 KG last time to 50 KG today 💪🏽