Gymnastics Strength
20 min EMOM
Min 1: 20-40 sec Russian twists
Min 2: Max top of the ring hold
Min 3: Max ring dip hold
Min 4: 20-40 sec superman extensions
Min 5: Max handstand hold
4 Rounds for time: (30 min cap)
400m row
10 burpees
400m run
10 burpees
0.5 mile bike
10 burpees

Gymnastics Strength
20 min EMOM
Min 1: 20-40 sec Russian twists
Min 2: Max top of the ring hold
Min 3: Max ring dip hold
Min 4: 20-40 sec superman extensions
Min 5: Max handstand hold
4 Rounds for time: (30 min cap)
400m row
10 burpees
400m run
10 burpees
0.5 mile bike
10 burpees
2 rounds + row + burpees + 300m run before time cap. Dead.
Metcon = ماني قادرة💀 2 Rounds done
2 rounds & 400 m run
2 rounds ☠️
1 round 3/2