Find your technical 2 rep max
And then
5 min emom 1 snatch @70-80% 3 second pause at the bottom
12 min AMRAP
Up the ladder
3-6-9-12-15-18 etc
Box Jumps
RX Age 17-44 (60/42.5KG)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (52.5/35KG)
RX Age 8-13 (42.5/30KG)
RX 144 Reps
I love the programming It is so technical n even if you are sore, Tired ,,,out of breath 🫁 , 🥵 💦 sweaty , but still everyone is able to do the workout ,,,,, this is wht makes yu different from other boxes Love the combination of lifting n high intensity everyday ,,,keep making us fit I feel so much of science ,,,, experience,,,and motivation is involved