Warm up
3 Rounds
100 m Run
10 Medball jumping squat
10 DB strict db shoulder presses
Back Squats
10 Reps @57%
8 Reps @62%
8 Reps @67%
8 Reps @71%
Front Squats
5 Reps @60%
5 Reps @65%
5 Reps @70%
5 Reps @70%
3 Rounds
800m Row (800m Run)
25 Wallballs
2 Mins rest after each round
RX Age 17-44 (10/6KG) (10/9FT)
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60 (10/6KG) (9/8FT)
RX Age 8-13 (6/4KG) (9/8FT)
Extra Work
Assisted chest to bar pullups
5 Sets 12 Reps
Lying barbell tricep extensions
5 Sets 15 Reps
Accumulate 5 minutes of
Double KB front rack hold (24/16kg)
rest as needed in breaks