3 Sets
2 Strict Pullups + 4 Kipping Pullups + 6 Jumping into negative pullups
4 Rounds
in a 3 Min window:
21 Swings
15 Burpees
Max Pullups
1 min rest after the round
Score is total pullups from all rounds
RX Age 17-44
RX Age 14-16 and 45-60
Age 8-13
scaled 16 kg swings 24 jumping pullups
1st 10 pull up 2nd 7 pull up 3rd 5 pull up 4th 5 pull up Total 27 reps
Scaled / 12 kg - 55 jumping pull ups 💪🏻
Rx, 39 pullups
Scaled 16 KG 60 Pullups