Osama KamaluddinMar 5, 20211 min read210306 StrengthDeadlifts6 Sets1 Rep all sets at 90-95% of 1 RMMetcon12-9-6DeadliftsBox JumpsRX Age 17-44(100/70KG) RX Age 14-16 and 45-60(80/60KG)Age 8-13(50/40KG)
StrengthDeadlifts6 Sets1 Rep all sets at 90-95% of 1 RMMetcon12-9-6DeadliftsBox JumpsRX Age 17-44(100/70KG) RX Age 14-16 and 45-60(80/60KG)Age 8-13(50/40KG)
220429 Friday🚜On the 3:00 x 10 Rounds: 1,000 Meter Bike Erg Max Distance Farmer's Carry 22.5 / 15 kg's
220423Weightlifting Strength Front Squats build up to a heavy set of 5 3 sets 3 reps @ same weight Metcon 6 min amrap 4 thrusters 4 pullups 3...
220422 Friday 🏖EMOM FOR 30 MIN A) 10 DB Squat Cleans B) 10 KB Swings C) 10 DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull D) 15 KB Swings E) 10 DB Push Press F) 20 KB...
Scaled Strength: 70Kg WOD: 50 Kg 4:09
Strength 95 RX @ 3:50
Strength: 130 kg Metcon: 2:26 (80kg)
Strengh : 40 kg WOD : scaled 25: 3:27 minutes
Strength: 90&95 kg Wod : RX 4:45 min